Spiritual Guidance/Retreats

Spiritual Guidance/Retreats

Spirituality is what brings meaning to your life and the art of spiritual guidance is the process of helping you understand your spirituality, what brings meaning to your life.
I accompany people on their spiritual journey by guiding people on an individual basis or as a group, on retreat. I listen contemplatively and with active empathy to the unfolding of a sacred story. Spiritual guidance is walking the journey of spirituality with people by guiding their decision making but not by making their decisions for them or by giving them advice. Spiritual guidance is a sacred space and confidentiality is of paramount importance.
How often does a person go for spiritual guidance? Generally, once a month for an hour. However, I am happy to see people according to their needs and circumstances. This relationship may be of short term or long-term duration. Spiritual guidance sessions can be arranged online or in person.

I am a member of the All-Ireland Spiritual Guides Association of Ireland (AISGA) https://aisga.ie/

I am happy to meet with you, listen to what you need or have in mind. Please email or message me and I will respond as soon as possible.

I have found Colm to be a compassionate listener with a deeply respectful attitude to what I had to say.
His non-judgemental approach put me at ease from the beginning. He is comfortable in revealing his own humanity, offering insights from his own lived experience. His humble presence creates a safe space for guide and guidee to discern together the movement of spirit.